Worship Schedule

Date Time Service Type
Sunday July 28th

09:30 AM Holy Communion - Malayalam
Gifts of the Holy Spirit: For the spiritual nourishment of the people of God
(10th Sunday after Pentecost)
Sunday August 4th
09:30 AM Holy Communion - English
Mission Sunday: Mission - Proclamation and Acts of the Kingdom of God
(11th Sunday after Pentecost)

Sunday August 11th
College Students’ Dedication
09:30 AM Holy Communion - Malayalam
Freedom in Jesus Christ
(12th Sunday after Pentecost)
Sunday August 18th
Youth Chaplain Visit
09:30 AM Holy Communion - English
Reformation Sunday: Reformation based on the values of the Kingdom of God
(13th Sunday after Pentecost)

Sunday August 25th
09:30 AM Holy Communion - Malayalam
Theological Education for faith nourishment
(14th Sunday after Pentecost)
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